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Future Projects

As we are a growing, developing and adapting Organization, we always want to change and improve. Due to that there are several aspects on which we have to work each and every day.

The listed projects and even many more ones are on our “To-Do” list and each of them would be very helpful, necessary and important for our organization. Right now we are searching for supporters, donors and volunteers who help us by donating money, offering help and providing working tools.

Biogas System

Biogas is a renewable energy source which can be used in many different sectors such as heating, cooking and electricity. Those are the things everybody needs regularly and which can cause high costs. As we have a huge outdoor area which produces lots of agricultural and green waste, a lot of food waste and sewage owing to many members of the orphanage, we have much biomass to convert into the needed gas. We want to build a biogas system which enables us to produce our own energy and gas. This would bring us a huge step forwards into independence and towards an environmentally friendly lifestyle. 


Our orphanage home includes not only the home itself, but also a huge area consisting of a garden, a playground, different buildings for the employees and the sheds for our animals. To assure safety for all of our members, items, animals and altogether our ground, we have a fence surrounding the area. This fence is already many years old, why it has some holes and lets people come in and go out very easily.  As our safety is one of our priorities, it’s our aim to install a new fence which should be a closed system including a gate at every side of the area. 


The orphanage owns chicken and pigs in purpose to be independent from donations and to be able to feed itself in times of money problems. Right now the animals have to be brought to a slaughterhouse outside  which needs time, energy and money. If the orphanage would have its own slaughterhouse, it would be able to produce meat whenever it is needed without any additional cost. Again, the slaughterhouse can be used to generate income by providing slaughtering services to the nearest communities such as slaughtering livestock, processing and wrapping. Furthermore the production on site will teach the children a responsible and attentive handling with food, animals and resources.

Laying Hens

Owning not only meat chicken but also laying hens would open a new horizon for our orphanage home. We could not only use the animals one time by producing meat but a livelong by using their eggs for feeding. Thereby, we can profit regularly from the obtained protein as well as the different vitamins and minerals. The surplus can be sold in our village to gain a small amount of money. The lasting keeping of the hens will also help the children to learn a sustained handling with animals and the resources. 


As we want to reduce feeding costs for our children, we try to grow a part of our needed food in our own garden area. But due to the changing weather conditions in Lesotho, this isn’t always possible. The freezing temperatures in winter make it impossible to receive any harvest while the burning sun in summer dries out many plants. A greenhouse would prevent the plants in both cases from dying and would assure fresh and healthy vegetables and fruits all year round.


Our area includes a piece of land which could be perfectly used to plant and grow trees. The best way to use those trees in more aspects than to only offer a shady place to recover and to have a break is to plant fruit-bearing trees. Those fruits could be used as refreshment, part of meals or just a snack in between. As trees are plants with a long living duration, they are an investment for many years.

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