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Current Projects

Cost cutting and Food Projects

In order to cut costs of food and ensure sustainability, we have established income generating projects such as dairy, vegetable production, poultry and piggery projects. All of them are placed on our own area so that they have become part in our daily life. 


right now we care about 5 cows which are fed with natural and fresh food. Every day they are outside at our ground or even at the area around it. 


at the moment we have 1000 new chicken, we will feed and care about them until they are ready for slaughtering. 

Vegetable production

in our gardens we are planting many different vegetables for this summer so that we will be able to earn and eat our own food.


our pigs are staying in our shelter until they are needed and slaughtered. Through that, we always have fresh high-quality meat.

The projects have shown great potential in educating the older children on crop and basic animal husbandry management, accounting and business skills as well as in different ways of generating income. Participation in the projects provides an opportunity for learning life- and survival skills, which will help them in their futures. We think that it is important to give the children the knowledge and the experiences which will enable them to have an independent life.

Free Time and Sports Projects

The football team

This is a team of young talented footballers in the orphanage. We believe that health is very important in our lives and want to influence child health through meaningful activities in their leisure time. They have participated in two organised competitions. This sport help them stay fit and healthy. 

The dancing group

This is a group of girls in the orphanage who perform cultural dances for example Litotobonjg. Cultural dances plays a huge role in African societies. These dance forms are used to teach moral values and help our children to mature

The Choir

We also work to have a well-trained choir, orchestrated by Sister Lerotholi. They lead in the church service every Sunday and also on special occasions held at the centre. The choir always impress the audiences with their beautiful singing voices and gorgeous smiles.

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